Event report: CHAISE National Information Day for Greece, 25 June 2024

CHAISE National Information Day for Greece

25 June 2024

On 25 June, the CHAISE National Information Day for Greece took place at the UNIWA Conference Centre of Ancient Eleonas in Athens. The event attracted numerous attendees from the Greek blockchain community and facilitated the exchange of insightful ideas and knowledge.

Several speakers from CHAISE consortium partners and the Greek blockchain community spoke at the event. The event started with an opening session, followed by an overview of the CHAISE project, detailing its objectives, outcomes, and expected results.

In the subsequent session, attendees learned how the CHAISE project could address skills mismatches in the blockchain labour market. This session covered key CHAISE outcomes, such as learning resources, professional profiles, specialised learning paths, career guidance, and the alumni platform.

A key highlight of the event was the panel discussion on the blockchain labour market supply and demand, as well as blockchain skills forecasts. The discussion emphasised CHAISE studies, examining labour market trends and projecting skills needs at both national and European levels. In sum, it offered insights into current challenges and future opportunities within the blockchain industry.

The National Information Day concluded with a presentation on the CHAISE Alliance, outlining its goals, future initiatives, and opportunities for joining as an associated partner. This was followed by a closing statement and a light dinner, allowing attendees to network and further discuss the day’s insights.

CHAISE thanks everyone who attended the event and for all the shared knowledge and ideas.