Blockchain Skills digital course
European Blockchain Skills Strategy

CHAISE is a Sector Skills Alliance financed by the Erasmus+ programme. Our core mission is to develop a strategic approach on blockchain skills development for Europe as well as to deliver future-proof training solutions, in order to tackle blockchain skill shortages and to respond to the current and future skill needs of the European Blockchain workforce.
Design Europe’s strategy
A Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Blockchain Skill Development
Based on a thorough analysis on skills needs and shortages to define the current state-of-play and demarcate the Blockchain sector, the CHAISE consortium will develop a European Blockchain Skills Strategy that will set the framework for sectoral cooperation and outline the actions to address the evolving skills needs in the blockchain sector.
Deliver blockchain training
Innovative future-proof blockchain curriculum and training content
CHAISE will develop a 5-semester VET programme in 11 EU languages with an innovative approach. In addition, all learning materials developed by the project will be consolidated into an open online course. The project CHAISE will also develop the first-ever ‘blockchain specialist’ occupational profile in line with existing competences and qualification frameworks to guarantee a common language for digital skills descriptions.
Create a blockchain ecosystem
A strong European blockchain community
CHAISE brings together leading multinational companies, key institutional players, EU umbrella organisations, social partners, thematically focused E&T providers and public authorities/regulators in education & training to deliver the project’s objectives.
Project partners
EU countries
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