Mastering Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies - Training materials
On this webpage, you can access the training materials provided within the CHAISE Mastering Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies course
CHAISE course - Training Materials
“Mastering Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies” is the course designed by CHAISE to tackle the mismatches in blockchain skills. The course can be easily accessed in e-learning mode by registering on the Thinkific MOOC platform. For trainers interested in delivering the CHAISE course in formal and non-formal settings, the lectures slides, notes and videos are available on this page.
The course is comprised of 12 modules, available in English and in 10 other European languages (see below sections). We strongly advise consulting the Trainer’s guide before utilizing any of the course materials.
The CHAISE Training Materials (12 modules) © 2023 by the CHAISE Blockchain Skills Alliance are licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0
CHAISE Trainer's Guide

The Trainer’s guide has been designed to provide trainers with guidelines and resources to deliver an optimized and impactful learning experience on Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies. It is available for all educators who wish to conduct in-person or online blockchain training and explains how ICT trainers can deliver the CHAISE course lectures in both informal and formal settings. For each learning unit, the guide provides trainers with access to a detailed lesson plan for classroom sessions and online use, a summary of the learning objectives and the expected knowledge and skills that the unit aims to impart, together with the prerequisites for participating in the session. The guide also provides an overview of Work-based Learning (WBL) and how it has been implemented in the context of CHAISE and outlines strategies for conducting remote training using CHAISE course on the Thinkific MOOC platform.
🇬🇧 CHAISE course - English version
The CHAISE Training Materials (12 modules) © 2023 by the CHAISE Blockchain Skills Alliance are licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0
Lecture 1: Blockchain basics to set the regulation and governance context and requirements
Lecture 4: Distributed Information Systems and their Information Security Management Principle
Lecture 4: Identity Management & Access Control Models of Blockchain-based applications
For any comments or questions on our training materials, please contact us via our contact form.
🌐CHAISE course - other languages
The CHAISE Training Materials (12 modules) © 2023 by the CHAISE Blockchain Skills Alliance are licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0