
Delivering blockchain skills for Europe

Ambitious goals to tackle Blockchain skills mismatches in Europe and create a EU Blockchain skills ecosystem

The aim of CHAISE is to address skills mismatches by setting forward an open, inclusive blockchain skills governance system tailored to sectoral needs. The project will deliver appropriate and future-proof training solutions, mobility schemes and qualifications, further increasing the attractiveness of the sector, especially for young Europeans.

An institutionally validated European Blockchain Skills Strategy

CHAISE will bring stakeholders representing industry, academia, policy and research from across the EU around the table to formulate a blockchain skills strategy. The strategy will set the framework for sectoral cooperation and outline the actions to address skill shortages and mismatches.

A forecasting mechanism to anticipate future blockchain skill needs

CHAISE will set up a collaborative method for monitoring the evolution of workplace requirements and anticipating future blockchain skill needs, to act as an early warning information mechanism to mitigate possible imbalances between demand & supply.

The first-ever “Blockchain specialist” occupational profile

Define EU-wide occupational requirements for blockchain workforce to address fragmentation in the labour market and set common educational requirements for Blockchain Skills across the EU.

An innovative 5-semester Blockchain VET Programme in 11 EU languages

CHAISE will develop a Blockchain training programm to address technical, non-technical & cross-discipline skill needs. Further, all the developed learning materials will be made available to everyone via a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

Transnational mobility schemes for Blockchain students & professionals

CHAISE will support students and professional cross-border mobility by strengthening partnerships between education & training institutions and companies and by launching a Blockchain career guidance and alumni platform.

A European Blockchain ecosystem

CHAISE will develop mechanisms for strategic collaboration at European and national levels, such as the National Blockchain Skills Partnerships to assure that national issues are reflected in EU-wide solutions and implement the EU-level sectoral skills strategy at national level, and the European Blockchain Skills Cooperation Network to oversee the implementation of the skills strategy.