Event report: Digital-LSP stakeholder and matchmaking event, 25 January 2024
Digital-LSP stakeholder and matchmaking event
25 January 2024

On 25 January, 2024 the Digital LSP stakeholder and matchmaking event represented the official launch of the Digital Large Scale Partnership. This initiative aims to bring together stakeholders from different type of organizations to build-up partnerships and collaborations, to foster the uptake of digital skills in all industrial ecosystem and to strengthen the provision of advanced skills for ICT professionals.
In the first part of the event, the the Digital LSP’s mission and the objectives were presented, along with its work plan for 2024. In the second part of the event, the participants had the opportunity to learn first-hand about the experience of some of the Blue Print Projects such as the ARISA project, the CHAISE project and the REWIRE project.
In particular, the CHAISE Coordinator University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, provided an overview of the CHAISE project. The Coordinator explained the deliverables for 2024 and presented the CHAISE partners, the project timeline and, more specifically, delved into the CHAISE Blockchain Skills online course “Mastering Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies”, in order to create synergies with the work of digital LSP and other partners.
In the last part of the event, a matchmaking session for Erasmus + Alliances for Innovation calls was carried out.