From May to September 2024, the CHAISE partnership is organising a series of National Information Days that will take place all around Europe

Since its inception in 2020, CHAISE has been dedicated to addressing blockchain skills mismatches in Europe and building a comprehensive European blockchain skills ecosystem. In this regard, CHAISE National Information Days will serve as a platform to highlight CHAISE’s commitment to this mission, expand the CHAISE community, raise awareness about the project’s outputs and foster their uptake.

National Information Days

CHAISE National Information Days are organised by CHAISE partners in 13 different European countries. This series of national events aims to disseminate the main project outcomes to industry stakeholders, E&T providers and public authorities at the national/regional level, to build consensus and commitment on their adoption, and to engage with CHAISE’s targeted stakeholders for the expansion of its Blockchain Skills for Europe Alliance. In fact, during these events participants will have the chance to discover the project outcomes, discuss plans for their future adoption and navigate CHAISE Blockchain Skills online course. These events also serve as a forum to exchange knowledge and ideas on the future of blockchain skills in Europe with members of each blockchain community at the national level and create synergies between the CHAISE community and national blockchain ones.

What to expect

Participants can anticipate interactive sessions, including presentations, panel discussions, and Q&As. The agenda will cover a wide range of topics, from project objectives to the current state of the blockchain labour market at national and European levels. Moreover, presentations on CHAISE’s key outcome such as CHAISE Blockchain Career guidance and National Action Plans and Blockchain Skills Partnerships  will be included. The event will also provide an overview of the CHAISE alliance, highlighting also some of the project’s key exploitable results such as Blockchain Career guidance.

Event Details

CHAISE National Information Days will be hosted in several European countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Romania, Slovenia, and Spain. The National Information Days kicked off in Ireland on the 28-29 May. Slovenia will host the next Information Day on 4 June, followed by Estonia on 12 June. Please make sure to visit the CHAISE website regularly to discover the National Information Day closest to you.