CHAISE Workshop: “Teach and Work on the Blockchain Landscape” to boost Blockchain Skills in the EU

The CHAISE consortium is excited to announce the upcoming workshop, “Teach and Work on the Blockchain Landscape”, which will take place on 27 September 2024 in Brussels and online.

Workshop’s details:

  • Date: 27 September 2024
  • Time: 09:00 – 15:00 CEST
  • Venue: DIGITALEUROPE Office, Rue de la Science 37, Brussels & Online

This event is specifically designed to strengthen blockchain skills within the European Union market, aiming to foster innovation and drive competitiveness in the digital economy.

The workshop will centre around the introduction of the European Blockchain Skill Cooperation Network (EBSCN), a vital initiative that will help ensure the long-term sustainability and growth of the CHAISE community even after the project concludes. The EBSCN aims to foster collaboration across industries, academia, and policymakers to solidify the EU’s position at the forefront of blockchain technology.

Attendees will have the unique opportunity to explore the key outcomes of the CHAISE project, including essential insights into blockchain curricula, skills frameworks, and certification pathways developed over the past few years. Practical applications of these results will be highlighted, offering participants valuable perspectives on implementing blockchain education and workforce training programs across sectors.

This interactive workshop will also provide a platform for stakeholders to share their visions for the future of blockchain skills development in Europe, allowing them to directly contribute to shaping the future of the EBSCN and the larger CHAISE initiative.

Please click HERE to discover the agenda and register for the workshop.