Event report: Blockchain Education & Standardisation: Navigating (beyond) the European landscape, 10 November 2023
10 November 2023

Professor Raimundas Matulevicius from CHAISE partner University of Tartu was one of the panellists of “Blockchain Education & Standardisation: Navigating (beyond) the European landscape”, the webinar organised by the SEEBLOCKS.eu project on November 10.
The webinar explored the standardisation activities within the Blockchain/DLT domain focusing on the importance of education in blockchain technology for individuals and organizations looking to understand, adopt, and work with these blockchain systems and equip them with the required skills.
Professor Matulevicius had the opportunity to speak about CHAISE activities and findings and to provide the online audience with an overview of the CHAISE blockchain skills digital course, explaining how the course is structured and what job opportunities it unlocks thanks to its specialisation pathways.