Event report: WEAI 98th Annual Conference in San Diego, 2 July 2023

WEAI 98th Annual Conference in San Diego
2 July 2023
WEAI 98th Annual Conference – Panel on “Contemporary Economic Policy“
Recently, Adele Whelan from ESRI participated as a speaker at the Western Economic Association International (WEAI) 98th Annual Conference in San Diego. The WEAI is an annual internationally renowned economics conference sponsored by the American Economic Association (AEA) and The University of Chicago Press journals. With her presentation “Forecasting Emerging Technologies: The Case of Blockchain Skills’, Adele had the opportunity to show to the public the results of CHAISE European Blockchain labour market analysis.
With representatives from the global economics and finance community in attendance, the occasion provided an opportunity to receive feedback from international experts and editors of peer-reviewed economic journals worldwide. This feedback served to further validate CHAISE’s research findings up to this point.